Sunday, August 2, 2009

FT Island Loves Kim Jung Eun’s Chocolate

F. T Island
FT Island rarely gets to play their musical instruments LIVE, but they got a chance to do so at Kim Jung Eun's Chocolate. They made the best out of it, and it's obvious that they were enjoying themselves. Jong Hoon was especially into it during his guitar solo. The way he looked at his guitar and stroked it is enough for fangirls to search up the guitar's cyworld just to write rude comments on it.

The boys of FT Island had a mini concert on Kim Jung Eun's chocolate, and I stress min because they only played 2 songs. The first of which is their title song "I Hope", and the second is a cover of Blur's hit song "Song 2". Though as with any kpop English covers, you have to take caution of the liberal use of Engrish. Fortunately the show provide subtitles for the lyrics because Hongki's "and I'm pissing out needles" almost killed me.

Overall, it was a great performance, so check it out!

cr: CodeMonmonSeason2