Hey, other than their outfits' blinding explosions of color, it's not all that bad! but exactly sure who decided to put that ghastly shirt on Taemin, though. Still, SHINee was smiling, 4minute was smiling, and Onew/Jiyoon looked cute (not even Jiyoon's sunglasses could hide her bright expression). Just like last week's 2:04PM collaboration, the actual amount of time both groups appeared on stage was pretty short. The managers probably realized that unless you're as popular as WonderBang, long collaboration performances only means more antis.
In other SHINee news, July 18th is maknae Taemin's 16th birthday in America, and 17th birthday in Korea! 생일축하합니다!

A/N: Credit for the last pictures is NeNe - one of my favourite dongsengs. The both of us is a big fan of Taemin from SHINee.
Hhaha you are the cutest! ;3
Happy B Day to Taemin'cho
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