About Yoona, the fortune teller said, "Her eyes are shaped like those of a bird. Her will is strong, and she is extremely competitive. She has a habit of finishing things that she starts, and it seems like she would be a good disciplinarian."
As for sexy Jessica, it was no surprise that the fortune teller raved about The Ice Princess' assured popularity with the boys due to her "high nose ridge." (So THAT'S what it takes? Damn my flat nose.)
Maknae Seohyun was told that the "charming fat" underneath her eyes stand out as a symbol of sexiness. "She's the type of person who can achieve great success if she uses her sexiness."
And apparently, you'd most definitely want to be friends with Sunny, or should I say MONEY (in the bank). The girl has a nose that brings money. "Either she will be rich, or those around her, like her parents, will be rich."
The show's cast and crew then took themselves over to SNSD's CF filming site and told the girls about their fortunes. Yoona confirmed her competitive nature, saying, "Once I concentrate on doing something, I have to finish it." Jessica clapped her hands happily after hearing that she'll be popular with guys, and Tiffany said that Sunny always buys stuff for the other members. After hearing her fortune, Seohyun awkwardly replied, "I'm not sexy." Um girl, I'm sure plenty of guys would seriously disagree with that.
source: soshified
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